Category Archives: All RHD News

Beginner Novice… Take Two.

Beginner Novice Eventing at Chattahoochee Hills

After such a rough first Beginner Novice event, we decided to try again. It doesn’t get any easier if you don’t keep working at it, right? So, I signed up for another 3-phase, but made sure it was a schooling show this time as JJ and I clearly needed a little more practice on cross […]

Our First Beginner Novice & Recognized 3-Phase Event

Beginner Novice Eventing at Chattahoochee Hills

After such a great eventing debut, I couldn’t have been more excited about trying it again! As everything had gone so well, my trainer and I decided that I should move up to Beginner Novice. The next event was a USEA recognized one, and we decided I should go for it… We arrived at Chatt […]

Tadpole 3-Phase at Chatt Hills – Our First Event!

Tadpole Eventing at Chattahoochee Hills

I’ve loved horses ever since I was born, but I didn’t start riding until I was eight years old. I spent about twenty years riding huntseat equitation and competing at local shows as well as on the IHSA circuit while I was in college. It wasn’t until I started working with JJ, however, that I […]